In recent years, there has been intensified interest from the Federal Government and State Education Departments in the acquisition of devices such as tablets and laptops, with increasing investments in this area.

    But how are these mobile devices being integrated into public schools in Brazil? What are the interrelations between infrastructure, teacher training, and digital content production in the actions being implemented? What are some of the good practices being implemented across the country? What are the prospects for the future of integrating information and communication technologies into Brazil's educational system?

    In order to answer these questions, the Center for Brazilian Studies at Columbia University, with support from IBOPE (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics) and funding from Qualcomm, carried out a qualitative study on mobile learning covering 6 cities - Brasília, Curitiba, Goiânia, Manaus, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and São Paulo - located throughout Brazil's five regions.

    The research included over 160 hours of recordings of interviews and focus groups with representatives from departments of education, IT directors, pedagogical directors, educational technology coordinators, primary and elementary school teachers from municipal and state schools, in addition to experts from the Ministry of Education, the National Fund for Educational Development, the private sector, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

    The report of this study will be launched on August 12th, 2015 at the conference on Mobile Learning in Brazil: local and global perspectives on public policies and their future.

    Let's examine the current state of mobile learning in Brazil!

    Download here the publication of research Mobile Learning in Brazil: management and implementation of current policies and future prospects

    You can download the full publication here or chapters below if you prefer.


    The purpose of the conference is to enable public managers, entrepreneurs and experts to discuss the experiences of successful mobile learning in other countries, as well as to discuss good practices developed in Brazil and the challenges for the future identified through Columbia University's study on the implementation of mobile technologies in public education in Brazil, to be launched on the occasion of the conference.

    With activities scheduled to take place on the 12th and 13th of August, the event will bring together prominent experts, including Columbia University faculty, representatives from the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and UNESCO, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Communication, and the National Fund for Educational Development. In addition, representatives of the Federal Legislative Branch, Departments of Education at municipal and state levels, telecommunication companies, entrepreneurs from education startups and NGOs focused on ICTs (information and communication technologies) in education.

    On August 13th, there will be a workshop on innovation in which pedagogical and IT professionals from the Departments of Education, the Federal Government and other sectors that have contributed to the study, will discuss the #MobileLearning that we would like for Brazil.

    We look forward to your participation!

    August 12th

    • 08:00 - 09:00 Registration and Breakfast
    • 09:00 - 09:20 Opening
                                    Manual Palácios, Ministério da Educação
                                    Rafael Steinhauser, Qualcomm
                                    Thomas Trebat, Columbia University

    mEducation in the world

    • 09:20 - 09:40 Keynote: Elena Arias Ortiz, Inter-American Development Bank
    • 09:40 - 10:45 Successful cases on mobile education
                                    Moderator: Thiago Rached, Columbia University
                                    Fernando Salvatierra, UNESCO - Buenos Aires
                                    Fiorella Haim, Plan Ceibal - Uruguay
                                    Jim Klein, Saugus District - California
    • 10:45 - 11:00 Coffee break

    mEducation in Brazil

    • 11:00 - 12:20 Keynote: Barbara Bruns, World Bank
    • 11:20 - 12:15 Columbia University Research Presentation and Discussion
                                    Fernanda Rosa, Columbia University
                                    Comments: Alexandre Barbosa, CETIC.br
    • 12:15 - 12:35 Keynote: Cristovam Buarque, Senate
                                    Keynote: Ricardo Magalhães, Ministry of Education
    • 12:35 - 13:45 Lunch
    • 13:45 - 14:05 Keynote: Maximiliano Martinhão, Ministry of Communications
    • 14:05 - 15:20 Different models of connectivity
                                    Moderator: Gustavo Azenha, Columbia University
                                    Rossieli da Silva, State Department of Education of Amazonas
                                    Eliezer da Silva, State Department of Education of Bahia
                                    Renê de Lima Barbosa, FNDE
                                    Orlando Saboya, State Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro
    • 15:20 - 16:05 Multi-sectoral partnerships and trends in connectivity
                                    Moderator: Thomas Trebat, Columbia University
                                    Oren Pinsky, Qualcomm
                                    Mila Gonçalves, Telefônica Foundation
    • 16:05 - 16:20 Coffee break
    • 16:20 - 17:30 Good practices on digital content
                                    Moderator: Fernanda Rosa, Columbia University
                                    Eziquiel Menta, State Department of Education of Paraná
                                    Helena Bomeny, Municipal Department of Education of Rio de Janeiro
                                    Felipe Rezende, EvoBooks
                                    Leandro Holanda, Lemann Foundation

                                    Good practices on teacher training
                                    Moderator: Priscila Cruz, Todos pela Educação
                                    Roberlayne Roballo, Municipal Department of Education - Curitiba
                                    Laura Rossi, MEC
                                    Ana Paula Bessa, State Department of Education - Rio de Janeiro
                                    Adriana Martinelli, Singularidades
    • 17:30 - 17:50 Gabriela Mora, UNICEF
    • 17:50 - 18:00 Closing session
                                    Gustavo Azenha, Columbia University
  • Opening

    Rafael Steinhouser, Qualcomm

    Thomas Trebat, Universidade Columbia


    Elena Arias Ortiz, Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento

    Painel 1 - Casos de sucesso em aprendizagem móvel


    Thiago Rached

    Fernando Salvatierra, UNESCO - Buenos Aires

    Fiorella Haim, Plan Ceibal - Uruguai

    Jim Kein, Saugus District - Califórnia


    Barbara Bruns, World Bank

    Painel 2 - Apresentação da Pesquisa da Universidade Columbia

    Fernanda Rosa, Universidade Columbia


    Alexandre Barbosa, CETIC.br


    Cristovam Buarque, Senado

    Ricardo Magalhães, Ministério da Educação

    Maximiliano Martinhão, Ministério das Comunicações

    Painel 3 - Diferentes modelos de conectividade


    Gustavo Azenha, Universidade Columbia

    Rossieli da Silva, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Amazonas

    Eliezer da Silva, Secretaria de Estado da Educação da Bahia

    Renê de Lima Barbosa, FNDE

    Orlando Saboya, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Rio de Janeiro

    Painel 4 - Parcerias Multi-setoriais e Tendências em Conectividade


    Thomas Trebat, Universidade Columbia

    Oren Pinsky, Qualcomm

    Mila Gonçalves, Fundação Telefônica

    Painel 5 - Boas práticas em produção de conteúdo digital


    Fernanda Rosa, Universidade Columbia

    Eziquiel Menta, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná

    Helena Bomeny, Secretaria Municipal de Educação do Rio de Janeiro

    Felipe Rezende, EvoBooks

    Leandro Holanda, Fundação Lemann

    Painel 6 - Boas práticas em treinamento de professores


    Priscila Cruz, Todos pela Educação

    Roberlayne Roballo, Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Curitiba

    Laura Rossi, MEC

    Ana Paula Bessa, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Rio de Janeiro

    Adriana Martinelli, Singularidades


    Gabriela Mora, UNICEF


    Gustavo Azenha, Universidade Columbia

  • 28/08/2015 - Planejamento e política com foco na aprendizagem
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    24/08/2015 - Uso de aplicativos para celular ganha força na escola
    Conteúdo para smartphone já é elemento importante de apoio; alunos e professores exploram tecnologia na aprendizagem; Especialistas cobram que recursos pagos pelo governo sejam abertos

    18/08/2015 - Internet chega à escola pública, mas não aos alunos
    Os números oficiais sobre o nível de conectividade das escolas públicas brasileiras sugerem que o Brasil tem avançado a passos largos ao atingir a marca de 84,5 mil instituições de ensino fundamental e médio, urbanas e rurais, com acesso à internet banda larga.

    13/08/2015 - Aprendizagem móvel deve focar na autonomia do professor
    Estudo da Universidade de Columbia defende que docentes sejam ensinados a cruzar recursos tecnológicos com conteúdos

    12/08/2015 - Conectividade em escolas públicas não está tão bem como informam dados oficiais, diz pesquisa
    Os números oficiais sobre o nível de conectividade nas escolas públicas brasileiras demonstram que o Brasil tem avançado a passos largos ao atingir atualmente a marca de 84,5 milhões de instituições de ensino urbanas e rurais com acesso à internet banda larga.

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    Pesquisa mostra baixa adesão à tecnologia apesar de 99% das públicas terem computadores e 95% delas terem acesso à rede


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